ISO 16889:99
Multipass Validation for filters

A filter manufacturer must be able to size and recommend an element that meets an ISO 4406 target; ratifiable, measurable and verifiable.
For this purpose, the first step is the filter's credentials and the ISO 16889:99 certification is the fundamental tool to compare various options.

"The efficiency and capacity of a filter are validated by the ISO 16889:99 multi-step test" CATERPILLAR, SEBU9208 page 11.

Beta Ratio

Beta Factor or Beta Efficiency

It is customary to ask how many microns a filter filters. Be careful!

A filter has a certified efficiency for each ISO 16889 micron rating.

In addition, it is not of major interest what a filter retains but what it lets through, being always important to consider the ISO condition of the fluid to determine the minimum beta efficiency required for compliance with ISO 4406.


A filter must be certified at the actual working flow. Many manufacturers make their certifications at flows lower than the recommendations of use and this causes the filter to lose efficiency in real conditions.

The DHC (dirt holding capacity) is the reference of the useful life of a filter and it is defined by the holding capacity in grams and the cost per gram. The type of test dust must be according to the efficiency of the filter and the real working conditions; for this reason the most recommended is the MTD.

Delta P

The pressure differential of a filter and its saturation curve is a fundamental part of the optimum performance of your filtration choice, since the  ISO 16889:99 tests confirm  if the data obtained from Beta, Flow, DHC are in accordance with the restriction that the systems tolerate or work with.

Demand saturation curve

Monitoring ISO 4406

After having chosen the best filtration option, it is recommended to maintain constant monitoring of the ISO 4406 to verify that the expectations of the chosen filtration system and the ISO cleanliness goals are met.

Accessories that ensure continuous filtration are an important part of a controlled practice.

Filter Media Material 

Synthetic technology filters outperform cellulose filters:

- DHC dirt holding capacity

- Beta Efficiency

- Flow Capacity

- Elemet Integrity 

SAE J1488 Control of Water and Emulsions

Just as there is the ISO 16889:99 procedure to certify the efficiency and capacity of particulate filters, there is also the SAE J1488 multi-pass test to certify the efficiency of extracting water and emulsions from a filter at a given flow rate. 

"Water and emulsions are responsible for up to 15% power loss and up to 15% higher fuel consumption can be expected" CUMMINS.

Labs - Leetsdale, PA

ISO 16889:99

SAE J1488

Evolution of Injection and Lubrication Systems